~..::Mukund::..~ Message: 5
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 02:22:03 +0530
From: Shantanoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Re: M$ and linux
To: Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  A
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On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 14:40:06 +0100 (BST), A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmmm I meant why use Win* in first place.

Cos Win* rules the desktop, as of now, due to its ease of use. (Pl. no stories of virus etc. Cos a good and free AV, FW and spyware-checker and NON MS Browser are enough to keep your system lean and mean.) And anyway OS itself is a worthless piece of code. It's only the addon s/ws that are imp.

You need to study. Don't ever try to make a statement like 'OS itself is a worthless piece of code'. <strong> You aren't eligible to make any statement regarding this unless you study. </strong>

But as a user... Do i need to study that? I don't i think.

You can search and read about the "disruptive technologies" and how, though a superior technology/business practice exists, this new disruptive technology creates a standard, easily displacing the better one. Linux disrupted Unix in server market. Dont even consider MS which was still a baby when Linux started getting traction on server side.

Questions to ponder: Unix?(or should we say unix like operating systems): 1. Where its is used? 2. Why is it preferred? 3. When is it preferred? 4. Which applications are runned? 5. Are they cross-platform? 6. How much is the efficiency of using the hardware resoures? and the list goes on.

Moderators: Can we have a poll of how many members are
using Win* Vs Linux (0 to 20%, 21 to 40% and so on. or
anyother better format so that we get to know how many
people are using which OS for how many percent time)?
Just a simple survey sort of thing.

According to you OS is useless code. So why should we waste our time on useless poll?

Again The questions were not for me... Still i will love to answer them.
Few Personal Questions:
1. How many types of OS have you tried?

I have around 6 on My PC
2. On which hardware platform?
3 Different platforms
3. How many man hours you have spent on each OS?
13 Hours. most of them on Mac and Windows.
4. What applications/softwares you have used?
Very Few.
5. Which of them were available on mutiple platforms?
None Actually. Other Then Windows.
If u talk about Linux being available on mac... Then its like RH is not available for Mac but some other thing is available for mac.
But if u talk about *nix OS... then Ya *nix software has that.
6. Did you ever try to benchmark any of the OS?
With my own standards.
I found Linux better in Technical Respects
Mac in Look and Feel
Windows in look and Feel, Ease to use, Price.
7. If yes, what were the tools used?

I just used Games to Benchmark them. I know none other tool. :(
nd i m not bothered as a simple user.

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