--- Sumeet Madhukar Moghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We could do that under the banner of the PLUG, with the participating
> > One thing that we can do is burn a few CD's of firefox, and install

If I'm not mistaken, Firefox is most popular on Windows (under 5 MB
download) due to all the hoopla over internet worms etc, so we should
not stress 'PLUG' or Linux but remember that this is Firefox we are
talking about ;-) so if the CD burning really happens then whoever is
doing it should include all the platform builds...and we need to make
sure its version 1.0 not the preview release.

I think burning CDs is not worth it (not only due to the small download
size) because after the 1.0 release, probably lots more people will use
it and find/report bugs and there probably will be a fast 1.0.1 or 1.1
release or something like that.

I usually wait about 1 month after any 'release' for any product and
watch the newsgroups etc and only if no problems are reported then I go
ahead and download/install it.

This actually saved me from the Fedora Core 2 partition corruption
problem with dual-booting over Windoze ;-) a friend of mine jumped
right in and wasnt so lucky.

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