Hi all, IndLinux Hindi 0.9 (unnati) is released
Download from - http://www.indlinux.org/downloads/ ( or use https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=11495&package_id=74293&release_id=276634 ) This is primarily a KDE Hindi translation update release for Hindi translations done for KDE 3.2 including the reviewed translations from SARAI KDE Review Workshop. It is to be used with distributions having KDE 3.2 eg. Fedora Core 2, Mandrake 10, Knoppix 3.4 , Debian sid/sarge with KDE 3.2 , or own custom built KDE. Whats New --------- Translations updated for KDE 3.2.x Updated/New fonts for following scripts * Devanagari - Gargi 1.3 * Gujarati - Rekha.ttf * Kannada - Kedage, Malige, Sampige * Malayalam - Rachana * Punjabi - Saab * Oriya - Utkalm Bolnagri phonetic Keyboard layout for Devanagari. This release does not have any GNOME Hindi updates. Installation ------------ You have to be logged in as root or have superuser access. # tar zxvf indlinux-hindi-0.9.tar.gz # cd indlinux-hindi-0.9 # ./install.sh For more detailed install notes read the included INSTALL file. Acknowledgements ---------------- Translators: Ravishankar Shrivastava, G Karunakar, Ravikant, Sarai workshop participants. Thanks to SARAI (http://www.sarai.net) for FLOSS fellowship for KDE Hindi translation work. For fonts see docs/fontdocs/ directory Noah Levitt, Pramod R, Ravikant - Bolnagri keymap Patches for Suse install - Amish Munshi Feedback -------- Bugs and feedback for this release welcome at <feedback at indlinux.org> Also on Indlinux mailing lists - http://www.indlinux.org/wiki/index.php/MailingLists. Links ----- http://www.indlinux.org/ http://www.indlinux.org/hindi/ http://www.indlinux.org/wiki/index.php/ReviewWorkshop To volunteer for Hindi translation join Hindi list at http://http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/indlinux-hindi Also join us anytime on IRC: irc.freenode.net , #indlinux Regards, Karunakar -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.