On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 23:38:41 +0530, ambarish pathak
> Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> > The configure step goes fine. On issuing make, it restarts
> > configure and keeps doing configure in loops.
> Is there any difference between the successive runs of './configure'?
> That may give a clue as to where the 'configure' is messing up.  I would
> tend to suspect the configure script.

I don't think that there can be prob. with configuration scripts.
Prob. in configuration with mandrake/postgres, slackware/postgres and
the working fine fine on some other machine?

> Secondly, is the time on the machine set correctly?  Future time stamps
> may confuse 'make', although, in most cases, that will just result in
> recompilation of all files instead of only the changed ones.

BTW Shridhar, whats the exact error/signal?
Have a look at following link.


Maybe pasting 'tail' of the error can be more helpful.

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