> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rajeev Joshi
> Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 11:52 AM
> To: Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
> Cc: Madhav Deshpande
> Subject: [PLUG] Does Linux have anything original ?? -- 
> Applicationswise,that is...
> Hi Plug,
>    I recently shifted over from Windows to Linux, and I find that:
>  1. The DESKTOP -- is a clone of the Windows desktop, whether 
> I used KDE or GNOME.

Its has many more features than the Windows desktop. Its not a clone at
all. I speak for KDE. About GNOME, I do not know much. Nothing in
Windows comes even close to Konqueror. (Well, you can argue that
Konqueror runs even on windows, but that starts another argument
Btw, ever tried AfterStep (others might vouch for wmaker or others)?

>  2. The Mail tool, EVOLUTION -- is a clone of MS Outlook / 
> OutlookExpress.

Kmail, Mutt, Pine, Sylpheed? Mutt really beats them all, its just that
it's a command line program. There will obviously be more.

>  3. OPENOFFICE Suite -- is an imperfect clone of MS Office.

Agreed that it doesn't have some features that MS Office has, but it has
some that MS doesn't have. So you can't really say it's a clone. And it
can work with many more file formats than MS Office. There are also
individual applications that do what individual MS Office components do.
Eg. Lyx, Abiword, Gnumeric.

>   Which applications can we say are really original on Linux ?

Well, that way, nothing is original on Windows either. Lotus Office
suits were available before MS Office, mail is traditionally a Unix
application and the X server was around even before Windows existed.

> [ This is a serious question. Till 1989, I had only worked on 
> Unix, and still like working on the command line, using vi, etc....]

Now that is something original, ain't it? But again, not with Linux per
say, but with Unixes.
Choice; the problem is choice!

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