I followed your instructions though from the mar. 11 juin 2024 (on bug #1072687 
that you closed which forced me to reopen the current bug) ?? Not ??
Please enable trace logging in NetworkManager.
The dmesg doesn't show anything unusual at the first view.
nmcli general logging level TRACE domains ALL
Then use 
journalctl -u NetworkManager -b
Already on 06.06.2024 you ask me (on bug #1072687 that you closed which forced 
me to reopen the current bug) :
Run dmesg when networking isn't successful and show the output.
and then you told me that it was not the right line command to make ??
2 times you provided me with orders to perform to provide you with more details.
2 times I provided you with the requested data ??
What else do you want ? Please provide me with the commands to execute very 
clearly and or the names and locations of the desired log files.
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