Am 20.12.2017 um 10:41 schrieb root kea:
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 4:46 AM, Michael Biebl <> wrote:
>> I think this is intentional behaviour, so you'll easily spot that your
>> input system works
> The current implementation is that the password gets echoed to
> terminal as star(*) characters by default and one needs to press TAB
> or BACKSPACE key to turn off the echo.
> Now it's quite possible that there are people who want to make sure
> that their input works while entering password. For them a key should
> be configured (e.g. TAB or BACKSPACE) to echo the stars(*). By default
> password shouldn't be echoed at all. Something like when most of the
> modern GUIs make you click on button to reveal the password. By
> default they print stars/dots.[0] (This is an analogy)
> There are mainly 2 reasons behind this proposal:
> 1. Security by obscurity (hiding the length of pass-phrase)
> 2. consistency

Since I don't really agree with your reasoning, I'll leave it up to you
to raise this issue upstream at if you want to see this
behaviour changed.
We won't ship a Debian specific patch and deviate from upstream
behaviour in that regard.

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