Am 18.12.2017 um 18:28 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 18.12.2017 um 17:55 schrieb Markus Koschany:
>> retitle 884595 udev: consider blacklisting fake joystick devices
>> reassign 884595 udev
>> clone 884595 -1
>> reassign -1 src:linux
>> retitle -1 kernel recognizes keyboards and mice as joysticks
>> thanks
>> Am 18.12.2017 um 00:33 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>>> Control: reassign -1 powermanga
>>> Am 17.12.2017 um 23:24 schrieb Markus Koschany:
>>>> Am 17.12.2017 um 23:02 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>>>> [...]
>>>>> I don't have access to such a device, but it looks like this device node
>>>>> /dev/input/js0 is created by the kernel.
>>>>> Please elaborate why this is supposed to be a bug in udev.
>>>> I'm not familiar with udev and I would have expected that the device
>>>> manager is responsible for creating or handling device nodes. This could
>>>> also be a bug in the kernel. We have received similar bug reports [1]
>>>> [2] for games in the past.
>>>> In #714399 [3] Peter De Wachter pointed out that it might be a
>>>> longstanding kernel bug, reported as:
>>>> But there is also a way to work around this issue by blacklisting such
>>>> devices with udev rules:
>>>> I'm not sure if someone ever intends to fix these kernel bugs. If udev
>>>> is not responsible for creating those fake joystick devices for
>>>> keyboards and mice, then please consider to blacklist the affected
>>>> devices, so that they will not be confused with joysticks.
>>> I'm reassigning this back to powermanga. the udev package is not a
>>> proper place for such a blacklist. I'll let you decide if you want to
>>> reassign this bug to the kernel or if you want to provide such a
>>> blacklist on your own.
>> Michael what point does it serve to reassign this bug back to
>> powermanga? I explained to you that keyboards and mice are recognized as
>> joysticks and powermanga is surely not responsible for creating device
>> nodes. All games and applications with joystick support are affected.
>> I am going to clone this bug report and reassign it to src:linux and
>> reassign 884595 back to udev.
>> Reasoning for reassignment:
>> The kernel is responsible for creating device nodes. Various keyboard
>> and mouse models are detected as joysticks though. This makes several
>> games hard or even impossible to control because the application code
>> assumes a joystick is a joystick and not a keyboard or a mouse.
>> There are two longstanding kernel bugs which describe the same issue for
>> two devices:
>> Here are two more Debian bug reports which describe the same issue
>> The issue is still reproducible with the latest kernel in Sid.
>> If this bug cannot be fixed in time for the next stable release aka
>> Buster then I would like to see that the udev maintainers create a
>> blacklist for such keyboards and mice.
>> Preliminary work is already available at:
>> If the udev maintainers don't want to create and maintain such a
>> blacklist, then please mark this bug report as "wontfix" accordingly.
>> Please don't reassign it back to affected games and applications.
>> Whether I or someone else wants to provide a patch should not be the
>> criterion for bug assignment.
> And you reassigned it back even though I explained that udev is not the
> proper place to maintain such a blacklist.
> I'm thus going to close this bug report

This is extremely unhelpful. I wonder what you consider a "proper place"
for a udev blacklist if not udev itself. Just closing a valid bug report
is a poor decision.

Then please also close

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