Am 08.12.2017 um 01:44 schrieb Duncan Hare:
> Michael
> Full DNS is provided by an MS Windows server 2012R2.
> Because it is net boot, the network in enabled before the kernel is
> loaded by u-boot,
> and the kernel starts and mounts the file system over NFS.
> Networking parameters, including DNS servers are pass through the kernel
> parameters.
> Kernel parms are (these include a lot of raspberry pi stuff), all one
> line no carriage returns
> dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/nfs
> rootfstype=nfs nfsrootdebug elevator=deadline rootwait
> nfsroot=,tcp,vers=3
> ip=
> 192,168,1,132 is the raspberry pi machine
> is the linux file server
> is the default gateway
> is the netmask
> abcdef is the hostname in this example
> is one dns server
> is the second dns server
> We don't use /dev/nfs in fstab, due to a bug in debian stretch mount
> command (a previous bug report) - which has undergone much change
> because of the
> introduction of fiilesystem ids replacing device names.
> the parameters are completed as above by u-boot script.
> U-boot does a dhcp command to get the parameters.

So if I understand you correctly, there is a u-boot script which sets up
/etc/resolv.conf. How exactly does this u-boot script look like and how
is it started. How do you ensure that this script runs before systemd
attempts the NFS network mounts?

This looks like another case of a misconfiguration.
Systemd can not magically know that it has to wait for a u-boot script
to finish before it attempts any network mounts.
This is for you, the admin, to setup correctly or the u-boot script
(assuming it ships a systemd service) to hook into the correct targets.

> The Linux networking is left as configured in Debian. It can be
> configured as manual or static
> in /etc/networking/interfaces with little or no change in behavior. If
> configure with dhcp Linux
> just get another lease on the same Ethernet address, because the
> mac address is the same for u-boot and linux.
> In this configuration networking is the prereq to file systems because
> we are booting a ZFS machine, with as much of the file system ro as possible
> to have a very secure system. At the application layer we plan to run
> Citrix which provides excellent application control.

That's not relevant to this issue.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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