On Fri, Dec 01, 2017 at 06:13:01PM -0600, Bob Tracy wrote:
> Not ignoring you...  PWS 433au takes overnight to build a kernel these
> days.
> Rebuilt 4.14 with the few changes noted in my previous message.  Will
> try it tomorrow when I've got a couple of free hours to collect data and
> deal with the consequences if it doesn't work.  Report to follow...

Request closure of this bug.  Effective with the 4.14 kernel, firmware
(if applicable) for built-in drivers must be included as part of the
kernel build, and my qlogic SCSI card had been relying on the firmware
being loaded from disk at boot time.  This kernel configuration change,
and possibly a few other minor configuration changes as suggested by the
"systemd" README file, got me back on track.  Particular thanks to
Michael Cree for letting me know about the probable firmware issue.


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