Hey Martin.

On Thu, 2017-07-13 at 13:09 +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Indeed, thanks for spotting! Fixed both.
Thanks :-)

> That touches the core of the problem: How do you define "primary" in
> a sensible
> way that is right for all (or at least most) systems, i. e. what can
> be the
> distro default?

As I've said,... I'm happy with what "you" (respectively systemd) does
now... but there are possibly users which also want something else...
and since you already describe how to retain a MAC based naming (via
udev), it would IMO be nice if you tell people how to do it directly
the systemd-way (which seems much easier, than fiddling around with
udev rules ;-) ).

> In this scenario it's really not obvious at all (even for me as a
> human) what
> the "primary" card is; at least the udev names encode the type, the
> kernel
> names are fairly arbitrary.

Sure,.. *which* one is "primary" is absolutely a local decision.
Nothing which one could generalise.

> udev rules are more flexible, but also more error prone indeed. 
That was my point :-) They're much more powerful, which could lead into
Further, I bet there is a group of people who wants to retain the MAC
based naming, and for them it's probably a good idea to suggest a
convention on how to name the configs (simply by giving a good
So, as you already do with udev-rules, telling people they should place
it in 76-netnames.rules, many will follow that... so easier to find,
than when everyone names it something else.

Similar for the systemd.link files one could suggest something like:
which is similar to what systemd.link(5) does.

> Beyond that
> there's really not much difference in performance or effect.
Sure... it's just about establishing BCPs :-)

> > Christoph Anton Mitterer [2017-07-12 15:12 +0200]:
> > One addition on this, with 226-2, udev.postinst started to create:
> > /etc/systemd/network/50-virtio-kernel-names.link
> > on some systems.
> > 
> > AFAIU, this is only just there for "easy migration" of systems that
> > used to have "old" interface naming.
> > So it might be worth to tell people in README.Debian in the
> > migration
> > section, that this can/must be deleted, if they want to migrate to
> > the
> > new schema.
> Agreed, fixed as well.

Speaking of which... I haven't seem similar files on VMware e.g.
or so...
So if such files were created for other hypervisors, one should also
suggest their deletion (if any) after migration.


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