On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 16:54:40 +0200 Jeroen Verellen <jeroen.verel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Maintainer,


> I have an issue after the latest update of systemd. It seems to be similar as https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=843509
> When starting a docker container I get the following:
> docker start mysql
> Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:359: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:54: mounting \\\"cgroup\\\" to rootfs \\\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/177270b60c5ab19437e45fc913e4242b89b8e1ed5913c707563cc9c4850512e2/merged\\\" at \\\"/sys/fs/cgroup\\\" caused \\\"no subsystem for mount\\\"\""
> Error: failed to start containers: mysql

The bug is in the runc package and is already fixed upstream but not in debian (see: #856951).

As a workaround you might want to add "systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=yes" to the kernel options at boot


Laurent Bigonville

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