On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 02:36:49AM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>Am 22.06.2017 um 02:21 schrieb Michael Biebl:

>> Since you are using a native systemd unit, I hope you have read man
>> systemd.mount:

Well... Possibly when I was configuring this, back in 2015. Certainly
not now, during the routine system upgrade. Especially that there was
no warning that existing configuration may become broken.

>> I.e. while you can use size=70% in /etc/fstab, you can't use it in a
>> native .mount unit, but you need to use size=70%% instead.
>Afaics this is a deliberate upstream change in v233, see
>That it breaks existing .mount units on upgrades is certainly not nice

Ok, I accept that this is a deliberate change. I also don't have much
against different syntax in fstab and systemd unit - this seems

I believe however that breaking of user's system shouldn't happen
without a warning (and I don't see anything in NEWS.Debian or
even changelog.Debian).

IMO there should be at least something in NEWS.Debian or possibly a
script which rewrites "tmp.mount" configuration that contains size
definition with single % sign (preferably, after user is presented
with a choice - should system make the rewrite or not - or warning).

Jacek Politowski

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