Processing commands for

> reopen 861171
Bug #861171 {Done: Michael Biebl <>} [systemd] #warning 
"Consider adding the right clone() syscall definitions here!"
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions systemd/233-7.
> retitle 861171 missing powerpc clone() syscall def
Bug #861171 [systemd] #warning "Consider adding the right clone() syscall 
definitions here!"
Changed Bug title to 'missing powerpc clone() syscall def' from '#warning 
"Consider adding the right clone() syscall definitions here!"'.
> found 861171 systemd/233-7
Bug #861171 [systemd] missing powerpc clone() syscall def
Marked as found in versions systemd/233-7.
End of message, stopping processing here.

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