Am 31.05.2017 um 19:32 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> The selinux context should be set by label_fix:
> I haven't debugged yet, why that doesn't work for --usr.

I have a better picture now what's going on/wrong:
This computes the path to the cache file:
hwdb_bin = strjoin(arg_root, "/", arg_hwdb_bin_dir, "/hwdb.bin");

The result is //lib/udev/hwdb.bin, note the double //

This path is passed to mac_selinux_fix() in

I supposed either selabel_lookup_raw() or lsetfilecon_raw() doesn't
properly deal with the double //.

If I change the strjoin to omit the "/", the context is applied correctly.

Afaics, this looks like a libselinux bug to me. It should properly deal
with paths that have double //.

Laurent, Russel, should we reassign this to libselinux?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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