Am 30.05.2017 um 11:17 schrieb defanor:
> Package: systemd
> Version: 215-17+deb8u6
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> I have tried to retrieve recent journal entries (with matching fields),
> but the retrieved entries were not the most recent ones:
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 15 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 29 23:05:13
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 14 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 29 23:05:13
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 13 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 30 03:04:57
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 12 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 30 07:05:03
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 11 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 30 07:05:03
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 12 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 30 07:05:03
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 13 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 30 03:04:57
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 14 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 29 23:05:13
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50483 -n 15 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 1-15
> May 29 23:05:13
> Here is another example, a bit redacted (any <message N> is identical to
> another <message N>: the same few messages get inserted there roughly
> every 4 hours):
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50482 -n 1
> -- Logs begin at Sat 2017-05-27 15:00:01 MSK, end at Tue 2017-05-30 11:09:13 
> MSK. --
> May 30 07:03:49 mars mmdb[131728]: <message 1>
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50482 -n 2
> -- Logs begin at Sat 2017-05-27 15:00:01 MSK, end at Tue 2017-05-30 11:09:14 
> MSK. --
> May 30 03:04:11 mars mmdb[131728]: <message 1>
> May 30 03:04:11 mars mmsocks[946]: <message 2>
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50482 -n 3
> -- Logs begin at Sat 2017-05-27 15:00:01 MSK, end at Tue 2017-05-30 11:09:22 
> MSK. --
> May 29 23:04:18 mars mmdb[131728]: <message 1>
> May 29 23:04:19 mars mmsocks[946]: <message 2>
> May 29 23:05:19 mars rtms4[35053]: <message 3>
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50482 -n 4
> -- Logs begin at Sat 2017-05-27 15:00:01 MSK, end at Tue 2017-05-30 11:09:26 
> MSK. --
> May 29 19:06:03 mars mmdb[131728]: <message 1>
> May 29 19:06:03 mars mmsocks[946]: <message 2>
> May 29 19:07:03 mars rtms4[27816]: <message 3>
> May 29 19:07:03 mars mmsocks[946]: <message 4>
> Repeating the same commands led to same results, as in the first
> example. After that, new messages were inserted, and it got shifted:
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50482 -n 1
> -- Logs begin at Sat 2017-05-27 15:00:01 MSK, end at Tue 2017-05-30 11:20:31 
> MSK. --
> May 30 11:10:06 mars mmdb[131728]: <message 1>
> $ journalctl OBJECT_ID=50482 -n 2
> -- Logs begin at Sat 2017-05-27 15:00:01 MSK, end at Tue 2017-05-30 11:21:14 
> MSK. --
> May 30 07:03:49 mars mmdb[131728]: <message 1>
> May 30 07:03:51 mars mmsocks[946]: <message 2>
> It doesn't seem to happen with OBJECT_ID's where the messages are not as
> repetitive. And it works fine if the `-n` option is not specified, or if
> its argument is greater than the amount of messages for a given
> Looks like a similar behaviour can be reproduced using systemd units and
> shell scripts (just printing the same messages), with no custom fields
> or programs, but I wasn't able to get a clean example (got a few
> attempts mixed together the only time when it worked that way, and then
> it got fixed on its own -- unlike the above examples).

I don't quite see the issue here. Can you please elaborate?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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