Am 08.03.2017 um 20:12 schrieb Alexandre Detiste:
> Hi,
>> systemd-cron *does* stop in prerm in recent versions, but
>> stopping *does not* stop cron-update.path.
>> Contrary to the other units, cron-update.path is not marked as
> So could it be enough to just add this ""
> to  cron-update.path too ?

I think so, yes. Unless upstream had a specific reason not to do it this
way. I notice that for the other units it also uses Requires, but Wants
for cron-update.path

>> And due to the use of
>> RefuseManualStart=yes
>> RefuseManualStop=yes
> This has been cargo culted & could also be changed,
> but I prefer the first option (the .target that controls everything).

I don't see a good reason why the individual units should not be
stoppable/startable by the admin, so I'd probably drop it for all the
units. Again, ask upstream. Maybe there is a good reason for this.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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