The observed behaviour is *with* the persistent journal.
Forwarding to inetutils-syslogd and using Storage=none results in steady
memory consumption at 20% of the peak memory I experienced while testing
Storage=persistent (and that's for both journald and syslogd combined).
On 17-02-27 07:23 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:
Am 27.02.2017 um 13:11 schrieb Stephan Sokolow (You actually CAN reply):
Is there currently any functionality in journald for controlling
flushing to limit RSS
Not that I'm aware of.
That said, if you have constrained memory requirements, I wouldn't log
to /run (which is a tmpfs, i.e. uses your RAM) and instead enable
persistent journal, which writes the log messages to disk.
See README.Debian about how to enable it.
Stephan Sokolow
Note: My e-mail address IS valid. It's a little trick I use to fool
"smarter" spambots and remind friends and family to use the custom
aliases I gave them.
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