Hi there,

On Fri, 27 Jan 2017 23:08:08 +0100, Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 03:29:39PM +0100, Luca Capello wrote:
> > 
> > sorry for the late reply, the package was rejected:
> > 
> >   
> > <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-auth-maintainers/Week-of-Mon-20161212/000953.html>
> Sorry for the even-more-late reply, I was ill the last few months  :(
> I built a new version of the package
> that has updated copyright metadata.

Thank you.

> > However, can you first push your changes to the Git repository on
> > Alioth?  I find awkward not to use it for Debian work...
> It is in the rfs-848327 branch on alioth.

Again, thank you, two comments not related to the udev rules:

- there are neither upstream/1.1.3 nor debian/1.1.3-1 tags on Alioth,
  which BTW is still missing the upstream and pristine-tar branches, so
  no new binary packages can be built from the Alioth Git repository:


- the previous rejection was because of a new license for the CLI tools,
  while in the debian/changelog you actually talk about the library
  itself, which has always been LGPL-2+:


Both issues should be corrected for me to sponsor your upload.

> > > This updates brings:
> > > - - a fix for #846358, so that rules for the right udev version are 
> > > installed;
> > > - - as per #846359 and #824532, this creates a new binary package,
> > >   libu2f-common, containing the udev rules;
> > > - - the new upstream version brings udev rules for additional devices.
> > 
> > Sorry, I still do not see the reasoning behing such a move:
> > 
> >   <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=824532#42>
> Well, that one is simple:
> - #846358 is a bug, pure and simple, and this fixes it.

As far as I know, no one has never objected to this and the fix does not
involve touching anything else WRT the current logic.

> - Before this upload, the udev rules were shipped in the libu2f-host0
>   binary package, which is again wrong.

It depends, it would be OK if access to these devices was only possible
via libu2f-host0, which is not the case here:


> There are two options, then
>   1. keeping the udev rules in the libu2f-host *source* package
>   2. moving the udev rules to another source package
> I am strongly in favor of 1, if only because upstream actually maintains
> that list in this package.  The alternative involves
>   - repackaging libu2f-host to get rid of this
>     (and patching the build/install scripts),

Sorry?  No need to repack or patch anything from upstream, but simple do
not install the udev rules in a .deb package.

>   - adding the udev rules to some other package,
>     likely as a Debian patch,
>   - and keeping the udev rules up-to-date in that other package,
>     manually, forever.
> Moreover, in the case where the other source package is udev,
> this adds a lot of synchronisation overhead in maintaining libu2f-host
> because I can't just push the udev rules in udev's packaging repo
> and upload a new version of the package ...

Thanks to Andreas Gnau for the upstream bug:


I find interesting that the end user has been waiting for more than 2
years now for the specific U2F kernel driver (and I guess/hope the right


> > Mickael or Martin (both Bcc:ed), can you elaborate a bit more, please?
> > Yes, I have read the full bug and I fully agree with Robert and Simon
> > (both Bcc:ed), moreover:
> >
> > [...]
> > 
> > 2) U2F devices are becoming more and more frequent and they are
> >    considered by at least Google (who, to be fair, co-developed the
> >    standard) to be the more secure 2FA mechanism:
> > 
> >      
> > <http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/12/this-low-cost-device-may-be-the-worlds-best-hope-against-account-takeovers/>
> >      <http://fc16.ifca.ai/preproceedings/25_Lang.pdf>
> I'm not sure I see the point there.

The point is that I am expecting more and more people using such
devices, which means that someone plugs her U2F device into a GNU/Linux
system and it can not use it in the web browser because of the missing

Robert Norris explained very clearly where such permissions belong to:


> > 3) some of them are even more than that (e.g. the YubiKey 4 which also
> >    contains an OpenPGP smartcard), which justify the fact that udev
> >    rules do not belong to any U2F-specific package:
> > 
> >      <https://wiki.debian.org/Smartcards/YubiKey4#udev>
> If the name of the binary package is the only issue, it /could/ be
> renamed udev-rules-for-crypto-hipsterdingen (or likely some better
> name, but it is late and I'm tired).
> All in all, I do not understand what are you precise objections
> to that solution.
> - Is the name of the libu2f-common binary package the issue?
>   If so, I will happily take better suggestions, but I would
>   have rather not spent so much time on a bikeshed.

No, and I find quite interesting that you classify 'bikeshedding' a bug
that has been opened more than 2 years ago first in Ubuntu...


...then in upstream udev by a different person...


...then fixed in Debian/Ubuntu...


...and finally got an update on Debian:

> - Is it that the udev rules live in the libu2f-host source package?
>   Then, I would suggest taking up the issue with upstream:  the better
>   solution would likely be to have a separate repository containing
>   udev rules for crypto tokens.

Yes, and indeed I had already planned to talk to libu2f-host upstream
about this.  Nevertheless, please note that, if not upstream, at least
another pkg-auth team member, Simon Josefsson, is not so keen in keeping
such udev rules is libu2f-host:


For the udev upstream, this has already been taken care of,
unsuccessfully, and nevertheless the systemd *Debian/Ubuntu* maintainers
did the right thing WRT to the end user.

>   Also, I do not see why this would be a blocker for this upload:
>   it doesn't create the issue (the udev rules already existed in the
>   source package)

Which does not mean anything if we provide such rules elsewhere.  D'oh,
this is BTW already the case since udev >= 229-6 (2016-05-12, currently
jessie-backports has 230-7~bpo8+2).

Actually, for stretch rules provided by the debpkg:udev could be
considered even better from an end user POV, since they use
systemd-logind's uaccess tag and not the plugdev group: on a standard
Debian user installation, any user sitting in front of the computer will
automatically have access to the U2F device.  This is #846358.

To be fair, the only 2 devices currently missing on the debpkg:udev
rules are the Neowave AES 1e0d:f1ae and the Feitian ePass FIDO

>   and provides the first part in fixing it (splitting
>   off the udev rules in a separate binary package).

A new binary package for one single file of less than 1kb (in part)
already shipped by a binary package installed by default.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

Luca Capello
Administrateur GNU/Linux

Infomaniak Network SA

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