
me neither. I don't know when it 1st happened. I just wanted to see
something in the logs and there were no logs  besides the ones
generated by the kernel in /var/log/syslog

I don't know how you can reproduce the problem.

I did not change my journald.conf, which I attach.

2016-10-21 15:25 GMT+02:00 Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org>:
> Control: severity -1 important unreproducible
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Am 21.10.2016 um 15:02 schrieb Salvo Tomaselli:
>> severity 793116 critical
>> thanks
>> I am experiencing the same problem, but upon reboot journald won't
>> start, so I have no logging whatsoever.
>> For this reason I'm raising the severity of the problem, since I have
>> no way of knowing what the daemons on my machine are up to.
> That doesn't make it critical.
> I'm not sure if your's is the same bug anyway.
> What exactly is the problem?
> Is journald failing to start during boot (as you said) or journald being
> killed during system runtime (as Philipp mentioned)?
> Would be good to have a bit more details, when exactly the problem
> happens and under what circumstances.
> Do you have have persistent journal enabled? Any custom journal
> configuration?
> How can we reproduce the issue?
> --
> Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
> universe are pointed away from Earth?

Attachment: journald.conf
Description: Binary data

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