On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo unreproducible
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 19:04:01 +0200
> =?utf-8?b?w4Z2YXIgQXJuZmrDtnLDsCBCamFybWFzb24=?= <ava...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Package: systemd
>> Version: 215-17+deb8u4
>> Severity: important
>> [I filed this before, but I saw I set my E-Mail to avar@localhost, so
>>  it was probably auto-rejected, can't find it in the BTS]
>> I'm not even sure if this is a systemd bug, especially given
>> #803970. If you know about something that automatically edits
>> /etc/vconsole.conf that isn't systemd please forward this report to
>> that package.
> Can you pinpoint the change of /etc/vconsole.conf to a specific action
> you do?

I *think* in the past it was related to upgrading some packages, but I
could never figure out what package exactly.

I was hoping to file a bug and someone who could grep the install
scripts could check for vconsole.conf and say whether it was systemd
or not

I filed it with systemd since it owns localectl, which is as close as I got.

For what it's worth I've recentlry done apt upgrades where the
keyboard is reset to QWERTY but the vconsole.conf is *not* changed,
instead I need to run "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" again
and re-select the exact same options I have selected already, and
somehow the kernel then gets the hint that I want the Dvorak layout.

So probably in the absence of other evidence this bug should be
reassigned to the keyboard-configuration package.

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