Control: severity -1 wishlist

Am 01.06.2016 um 22:25 schrieb Thomas Prokosch:
> After gummiboot has been integrated into systemd as systemd-boot, I
> decided to give this new feature a try and installed a new machine
> with systemd, not installing gummiboot or any other boot loader. The
> machine is capable of booting an UEFI stub, so systemd-boot should be
> able to handle this. However, with this approach the machine failed to
> boot. Only after manually copying the kernel and initramfs from /boot
> to /boot/efi, and manually setting up the relevant data structures in
> /boot/efi the machine came up as expected.
> It seems that integrating gummiboot into systemd is missing a critical
> piece, that is the update-gummiboot script that copies the kernel
> files. This script was installed in the postinst hook for kernels at
> /etc/kernel/postinst.d/ but is absent in systemd.
> Because of this omission new installs are broken, this is why I set
> the severy of this bug report to "important".
> Please add an equivalent of the update-gummiboot script to systemd.

systemd-boot is not officially supported yet.
We install the systemd-boot related files so users can play with them,
but you are basically on your own.

Maybe it's better to remove them.

Martin, your thoughts?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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