Control: found -1 systemd/228-6

On Sun, 29 Nov 2015 01:05:44 +0100 Michael Biebl wrote:

> Am 28.11.2015 um 19:23 schrieb Francesco Poli:
> > Please tell me whether you need any further information in order to
> > investigate. Otherwise, please drop the moreinfo tag.
> So far I don't know yet, how I can reproduce the problem. So I'll keep
> the moreinfo tag.

Hello again,
have you found a way to reproduce the bug?

I have just retried and I was able to reproduce the same exact
misbehavior as originally reported.
As I have previously stated, I was able to regain control of my box by
issuing the "killall -TERM fluxbox" command (I had scheduled such
command with at(1)). However, my X session was lost, unsurprisingly.

I also figured out an unpractical (yet effective) workaround: after
steps 0 through 3 (see my original bug report), instead of logging out
from the TTY2 shell, I followed the steps

  4') press [Ctrl+Alt+F1], in order to switch back to the X session

  5') from within a terminal emulator (such as xterm), figure out the
      PID of the shell running on TTY2 with

      $ ps aux | grep 'tty2.*-bash'

  6') call this PID "PID_OF_TTY2_SHELL"

  7') terminate that shell from within the X session terminal emulator

      $ kill -TERM PID_OF_TTY2_SHELL

  8') go on doing anything you please with your X session

Needless to say, I would love to see this bug properly fixed, instead
of having to rely on unpractical workarounds...

I hope this can happen soon.

Thanks for your time!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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