Am 10.12.2015 um 15:12 schrieb Guus Sliepen:
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 01:59:42PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:

>> The benefit here is, that other services, that don't need
>> would not be blocked unnecessarily during boot.
> I don't understand this. Are services that don't need
> blocked by networking.service in some way?

This used to be the case, since /etc/init.d/networking was a rcS init
script, i.e. is started in

Every service which as DefaultDependencies=yes (the majority) get's an
implicit dependency on So making networking.service
block for the network to be configured would block at least all
DefaultDependencies=yes services.

I just noticed that you moved networking.service into,
so this might not be a concern anymore, unless something from
rcS/ pulls in networking.service.

> Anyway, if we are going for a script that polls stuff, then why not
> decouple it completely from ifupdown or whatever networking framework is
> used, and do the following?


> Which is just waiting until we have a default route. It can be made to
> respond more quickly by using the "ip monitor" command. It's still not
> perfect, but in general it's a better default criterion for being online
> than "a network interface was configured".

Interesting idea.
This would be one way to do it.

> So is very ill-defined, and I'd rather not see
> anything depending on it, but if we have to, I'd like something that is
> as conservative as possible.

I guess everyone agrees that (or $network in LSB)
is an ill-conceived concept [1] and should only be used if the software
in question can't be fixed to deal with dynamic networking, where
devices and networks can come and go.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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