Am 24.11.2015 um 22:25 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
> [Felipe Sateler]
>> That would potentially leave initscripts with wrong ordering, thus
>> breaking a boot back to sysvinit (via syvinit package).
> My guess is that this would not happen if the initscripts package is
> installed before trying to boot using sysvinit, which I suspect is a
> requirement.  The initscripts postinst script calls update-rc.d which
> would call insserv to fix the ordering.  Is my guess wrong?

Afaiu, Felipe's point was, that initscripts could be installed, but
systemd the active PID 1.
So switching to sysvinit as active init would not necessarily re-trigger
a insserv run.
So we shouldn't make it dependend on what is the active PID 1, but
whether initscripts is installed.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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