On 19 November 2015 at 10:54, Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider
<lorenz-...@lgh-alumni.de> wrote:
> I will try re-upgrading later this afternoon and let it run for a longer
> time, but the message was "$x sec / no limit".
> Felipe, are you referring to /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/home.conf? I will try that
> out as well.

Yes, that file. Copy it to /etc/tmpfiles.d and edit it there so that
dpkg does not overwrite it.

> With a normal mount I previously had cyclic dependency issues, as I want to
> bind-mount a local directory into that. It seems that this is wholly
> unsupported by systemd and I couldn't get it to work reliably, so now the
> bind mount is in /etc/rc.local as an ugly workaround.

You can also try adding x-systemd.requires or
x-systemd.requires-mounts-for options to fstab to the bind mount (see
systemd.mount man page for details). Or even creating a manual mount
unit with the correct dependencies, perhaps the available fstab
options are not enough.

> I can try making /home
> a normal mount again, but given that the issue seems to be a lack of network
> access, I don't see how that would succeed. I'll try to be sure though.

My guess is that without the automount, the tmpfiles snippet will only
access the locally mounted filesystems, and systemd will not attempt
to mount the remote one.


Felipe Sateler

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