On 18 November 2015 at 17:06, Michael Biebl <em...@michaelbiebl.de> wrote:
> Am 18.11.2015 um 20:53 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> Am 15.11.2015 um 20:17 schrieb Felipe Sateler:
>>> systemd-analyze is rather large. Perhaps there is scope for a
>>> systemd-tools or something that covers things that will probably not
>>> be needed on production containers (systemd-{analyze,cgls,cgtop,delta}).
>> I'm a bit torn on this. Those four tools are useful enough that I think
>> we shouldn't split them out and they should always be available.

Well, I certainly agree that they should be installed in all
bare-metal machines, but not necessarily on containers. Of all four,
-delta is the only tool that doesn't take a -M option.

>> systemd-ctop, cgls and especially analyze are certainly huge for what
>> they do. I wonder, why they are so big?
> Some idea in that direction, I had a while ago, was to turn the private
> libray from a noinst lib into a pkg private lib.
> So we install a single copy of the private ABI instead of making every
> binary link against it statically.
> I would be interested how much disk space that would save.
> Anyone interested to do some experiments here?

Interesting. I'm going to try this.


Felipe Sateler

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