Control: tags -1 upstream confirmed
Control: forwarded -1
Control: found -1 227-3

On 15 November 2015 at 03:32, Michael Biebl <> wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> thanks for your bug report.
> Am 15.11.2015 um 06:02 schrieb Ron:
>> On a normal shutdown or reboot, systemd disables swap before stopping
>> any other processes.  I see something like this:
> ...
>> This really should delay disabling swap until about the last thing it
>> does before actually halting - and it should probably only disable it
>> once, since the repeating of that 3 times seems like a bug in its
>> handling of this too.
> This doesn't look like a Debian specific issue, so it would be great if
> you can file this upstream at

I can confirm this on sid. Filed upstream and marking as such.


Felipe Sateler

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