Control: tags -1 upstream fixed-upstream
Control: forwarded -1

On Mon, 03 Aug 2015 23:26:41 +0530 Ritesh Raj Sarraf <> wrote:
> Package: systemd
> Version: 223-2
> Followup-For: Bug #719695
> Hello,
> I am hit by the same problem.
> So far, we've shipped a SysV init script /etc/init.d/multipath-tools,
> whereas upstream ships the service file as multipathd.service
> I haven't read through all the details on this bug report, but I'd like your 
> advise
> on how to proceed. Initially I created an Alias=multipath-tools.service, but 
> that
> did not work. It did not sense the Alias= setting, and instead picked the 
> init script.
> I think the manpage should be updated accordingly on whatever the conclusion 
> is.
> And looking at this bug report, I'm not sure if this has been concluded.

It wasn't. However, just today it was merged upstream a change that
makes it possible to follow static links during enable operation.

This means that for stretch we should recommend using static links,
that is: Add a link shipped in /lib/systemd/system from the alias name
to the unit name.

This change will be part of 228.


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