On 20 October 2015 at 19:05, Andreas Beckmann <a...@debian.org> wrote:
> For fixing this I would suggest:
> * wait for a fixed dpkg to appear in sid
> * upload a new version of systemd to sid that changes
>   - systemd.postinst: the old-version of all post-jessie actions is bumped
>     to the then current systemd version (rerunning these actions should
>     be harmless if they were done previously)

Not always. Some of these transfer ownership of conffiles to other
packages (like org.freedesktop.machine1.conf). So pkg:systemd should
not touch that file if it is owned by pkg: systemd-container (but it
should if pkg:systemd-container is not purged!).

>   - systemd.maintscript: bump the old-version likewise
>   - add a versioned Depends on the fixed dpkg (a Pre-Depends should not
>     be neccessary since only the postinst requires to be run by the
>     fixed dpkg)
> * before the fixed dpkg (and systemd) migrate to stretch we can verify the
>   fix on jessie2stretch2sid upgrades (jessie2stretch will be broken and
>   stretch2sid should fix it up). Removal of org.freedesktop.machine1.conf
>   should be a good indicator.

While I agree that ensuring stretch-sid upgrades happen correctly in
the face of a buggy dpkg is nice, this might complicate postinst a
lot, in the cases where the change is not idempotent. We have already
decided that ensuring buggy versions of systemd that orphan
org.freedesktop.machine1.conf was too complicated for too little gain
so we didn't do it. I'm not sure that decision should be reverted.

I'm not sure if the hwclock-save link removal is harmless if done again.


Felipe Sateler

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