
On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 11:15 AM, Martin Pitt <mp...@debian.org> wrote:
>> However, when the network is brought down (manually, or automatically
>> during system shutdown), the mountpoint is not unmounted, causing a
>> number of issues.
> This sounds very similar to https://launchpad.net/bugs/1492546 .
> ifupdown's /etc/init.d/networking (and also /etc/init/networking.conf)
> call functions check_network_file_systems() and check_network_swap()
> and don't tear down the interface(s) in the above situation. This also
> applies to e. g. iscsi.
> But we don't do the same with the autogenerated ifup@.service -- that
> always unconditionally calls "ifdown" on stopping. IMHO we should make
> "systemctl stop ifup@ethX.service" a no-op at least during shutdown,
> as stopping /etc/init.d/networking will stop them all anyway (or not,
> if network file systems are being used).

Shouldn't a dependcy of network filesystems on network interfaces
automatically prevet the network interfaces services from being
stoppable while the network filesystems are up?

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

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