On 24 September 2015 at 17:21, Guillaume Boudrias <gboudr...@praxis.coop> wrote:
> Hi!


> I've been fiddling with the debian package for a few weeks to try and
> figure out how to support both systemd and initd (since we want to
> support both Wheezy and Jessie).
> I searched high and low but the only documentation I found was this:
> https://people.debian.org/~stapelberg/debconf13-making-your-package-work-with-systemd.pdf
> And it seemed insufficient. Does anyone have anymore documentation on
> how to take a package with an initd script and make it systemd-compatible?
> Better yet, if anyone would be willing to look at our package it would
> be much appreciated: http://cgit.drupalcode.org/provision/tree/debian
> We tried simply adding --with systemd to the rules but as expected it's
> not enough:
> http://cgit.drupalcode.org/provision/commit/debian?id=f5031a71aa1d730e8c77b630b02ef31769edb5c1
> (previous commit added a .service file)

You need to add an override for dh_systemd_enable in your
debian/rules, and invoke the tool with the --name parameter:

dh_systemd_enable --name hosting-queued

Otherwise it will look for a file named debian/${package}.service,
which doesn't exist.


Felipe Sateler

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