Hi all,

I have collected some information and created a team wiki page[1]. I
moved some already existing stuff from the systemd page to the new
team page to separate the user information from the developer

I also looked up all the user tags and listed them, so that there is a
reference page[2] for dealing with bugs. I see that some are
single-issue (like tmpfiles.d), possibly they should be undocumented
if they are not actively used?

Questions that remain:

1. Is https://wiki.debian.org/systemd/EnableDiscussion still relevant?
It seems to me that it isn't, given the existence and usage of
2. https://wiki.debian.org/systemd/HowToHelp suggests the more
important task is adding native units, but on IRC the other day this
was not my impression (except for the rcS scripts). This is why I did
not move this over and link it from the developer page. I think this
page could be removed and just rely on the Packaging guidelines (info
for service maintainers).

Lacking in this page is the rcS.d task. I'm not sure if the release
goal is still active, perhaps a more attainable release goal is to
provide native units just for this subset. I also think that the stop
socket on upgrade issue should be dealt with as soon as possible, and
so should be given some special highlight in the front page.

Next on my TODO is to look at the Packaging page and see if there are
improvements to be made. I have already remove information that is not
relevant anymore, and some should be moved into some user
documentation (eg, overriding units). This page is also missing info
on the socket stop on upgrade issue.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/pkg-systemd
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/pkg-systemd/Bugs


Felipe Sateler

Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list

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