Am 01.06.2014 um 17:12 schrieb Francois Mescam:
> On 01/06/2014 14:43, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Am 31.05.2014 20:24, schrieb Michael Biebl:
>>> severity 750019 normal
>>> tags 750019 + moreinfo unreproducible
>>> thanks
>>> Am 31.05.2014 19:42, schrieb Francois Mescam:
>>> I can not reproduce the issue here.
>> I'm running 208-1 here. Maybe that's the reason I can't reproduce.
>> The only thing I can currently think of which *might* have some
>> influence are the settings
>> StandardInput=tty-force
>> StandardOutput=inherit
>> StandardError=inherit
> These settings are the same than these on 204-8 (testing) or 204-10
> (unstable)
>> in /lib/systemd/system/rescue.service.
>> They might have a different effect depending from what type of console
>> you start the rescue service.
>> Could you please test 208-1 from experimental and see if that fixes the
>> issue?
> I've installed 208-1 and it's better but not completely.
> I begin the test from a graphical session and I do :
> - Ctrl-Alt-F1
> - login as root
> - type systemctl start debug-shell.service to have a true rescue console
> if there are problems
> - type systemctl rescue
> - I obtain in-line the prompt to give the root password
> - I type the root password
> - I can type some commands and after about 15 seconds the screen is
> erased and I obtained the classic login screen on virtual console
> - I type root
> - before asking for password it is write "System is going down"
> - after entering the password it takes 45 seconds to have the prompt
> - I can do what I want in the console
> - if I closed the session I obtain the prompt to login but I see in tty9
> that there are no more processes running than before I close the session.

Is this still an issue with v215 (from jessie) or v219 (from experimental)?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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