Am 31.03.2015 um 04:14 schrieb Ben Hutchings:
> On Sun, 2015-03-29 at 04:29 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> On Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:51:53 +0000 Ben Hutchings <>
>> I was wondering, if an alternative to disabling the superblock time
>> check in e2fsprogs,

Well, it dawned to me, that doing both is probably the better idea anyway.

> By the way, Lennart Poettering told me that other distributions have
> done that, though I haven't checked whether it is done with a
> configuration file or a patch to the code.
>> it wouldn't be better to just skip the fsck of / (and /usr, if separate).
>> For that, initramfs-tools could create a flag file for / and /usr in
>> /run and we'd update systemd-fsck-root.service and systemd-fsck@.service
>> and add a Condition= which checks for that flag file.
>> (suggestion, let's call them /run/fsck/root and /run/fsck/usr)
>> The sysv init scripts could do something similar (therefore CCed).
> Not easily - they currently rely on the fsck binary to iterate over all
> filesystems, and don't have any logic to do so themselves.  (That's why
> initramfs-tools still doesn't mount /usr if it's going to hand over to
> sysvinit.)

I wasn't aware of that. So thank for this information.

>> What do you think?
> I'm not convinced.

As said above, maybe doing both is the best way forward. sysvinit would
just ignore the flag file, and in systemd we could react to this to
avoid an unnecessary fsck.


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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