Am 05.07.2014 um 05:02 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 05.07.2014 04:40, schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> I'm not convinced that a package-individual trigger is the right answer
>> for this (we also discussed this possibility within the team). Every
>> package providing a long running system service would have to provide
>> such a trigger and every library would have to call all triggers. That
>> doesn't scale.
>> We need a general solution for this.
> Maybe running a tool like checkrestart in an apt hook via
> "DPkg::Post-Invoke" is the right answer. Dunno.
> I vaguely remember that systemd upstream was considering such a tool
> which allowed to find processes still using deleted libraries and mapped
> that to a corresponding .service name.

There is already such a tool available in the archive called
"needrestart". It does the mapping of processes to systemd services and
offers to restart those services after an upgrade (via a dpkg/apt hook).
So it already does exactly what I was describing.

This should solve exactly what you're looking for.

I've been running needrestart for a while now and really like it. You
should give it a try.

I agree with Marco, this is not something which needs to be solved on
the systemd package level.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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