Control: tag -1 upstream
Control: forwarded -1

Benjamin Xiao [2014-12-05 14:41 -0800]:
> Systemd tries to mount my swap partition twice at the same time. One of the
> mount attempts is triggered by systemd-fstab-generator and the other attempt
> is triggered by systemd-gpt-auto-generator. There is a race condition and
> one of them will fail with "Device or resource busy" in journalctl.

I just stumbled over this by way of
and forwarded it to the upstream ML. Should have checked the Debian
BTS earlier, this would have avoided some rounds of debugging. Thanks
for your analysis!

This still affects 218, for the record, and I don't see a related fix
in git.

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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