On Sat, 2014-10-04 at 15:06 +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote: 
> /etc/inittab is a sysvinit-only configuration file, so this is
> expected.  Arguably, we should warn once if the inittab has been changed
> from the shipped default. 
Maybe it would be a good idea to provide one central file, where you
describe which "legacy" files are actually used (to which extent) by
systemd, e.g. things like:
- we look at /etc/rc*.d and start scripts from /etc/init.d depending on
the symlinks there
- we look at /etc/modules, but beware of bug #<the number of the bug,
that systemd ignores the module parameters>

and so on.

And in cases, where you think there is a new/better canonical location,
this should be given as well.


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