>>>>> "Luca" == Luca Boccassi <bl...@debian.org> writes:
Luca> https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/pam_systemd_home.html It's going to be a long time (a couple of weeks) before I have cycles to actually look at systemd-home rather than to answer questions with my pam hat on without looking at your application. The limits issue you wrote to me about yesterday is ahead in the queue, as likely is a new version of krb5. Luca> Any idea where use_authtok try_first_pass could be coming Luca> from? I don't see them defined anywhere in the pam config I am Luca> shipping, so I have no idea why pam-auth-update is adding Luca> them. I gave you pointers where to look for these: /usr/share/pam-config/unix This is complex enough that someone who both has a good understanding of pam and systemd-home is going to need to get involved. I can talk about the broader pam context, and some issues people have run into in the past, but someone needs to have both systemd-home and pam in their heads to definitively decide what systemd-home wants out of pam. That's not going to be me any time soon.