Package: smcroute
Version: 2.5.6-1
Severity: serious
Justification: stops other packages from migrating to testing
Tags: patch pending

Dear Maintainer(s),

The autopkgtest does not actually use the systemd service, it calls the
legacy script by hand. Also checking 'is-system-running' is incorrect,
as that might be influenced by random unrelated fluctuations from other
services, that have nothing to do with smcroute.

The immediate solution is to drop the check from the test.

Given this is blocking systemd from migrating to testing, high severity
is set, and I have already uploaded an NMU to DELAYED/3. I have opened
an MR against Salsa with the changes. Debdiff also attached.


Failing log:

If you think there is a better solution please let me know and I'll
cancel the deferred NMU, but we'd appreciate a swift resolution given
it blocks migration.


Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi
diff -Nru smcroute-2.5.6/debian/changelog smcroute-2.5.6/debian/changelog
--- smcroute-2.5.6/debian/changelog	2023-01-08 13:02:40.000000000 +0000
+++ smcroute-2.5.6/debian/changelog	2023-09-24 13:34:21.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+smcroute (2.5.6-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * autopkgtest: drop is-system-running check (Closes: #)
+ -- Luca Boccassi <>  Sun, 24 Sep 2023 13:34:21 +0100
 smcroute (2.5.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version 2.5.6.
diff -Nru smcroute-2.5.6/debian/tests/daemon-init-scripts smcroute-2.5.6/debian/tests/daemon-init-scripts
--- smcroute-2.5.6/debian/tests/daemon-init-scripts	2021-09-25 13:28:23.000000000 +0100
+++ smcroute-2.5.6/debian/tests/daemon-init-scripts	2023-09-24 13:34:21.000000000 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     return $smcroute_pid;
-plan tests => 13;
+plan tests => 11;
 # Work around test harness, start smcrouted if not already running
 my $startup = capture EXIT_ANY, INIT_SCRIPT, 'start';
@@ -43,11 +43,6 @@
 is $EXITVAL, 0, "stopping smcroute";
 my $smcroute_pid = get_smcrouted_pid 'stopped';
 is $EXITVAL, 1, "smcroute is really stopped".( $EXITVAL ? '' : " (pid $smcroute_pid)" );
-SKIP: {
-    skip "System not managed by systemd", 1 unless -e '/run/systemd/system';
-    my $wait_output = capture EXIT_ANY, 'systemctl', 'is-system-running', '--wait'; chomp $wait_output;
-    is $wait_output, "running", "Stopping smcroute completed";
 my $double_stop_output = capture EXIT_ANY, INIT_SCRIPT, 'stop';
 is $EXITVAL, 0, "stopping smcroute twice in a row";
@@ -57,11 +52,6 @@
 # Try to start the daemon again
 my $start_output = capture EXIT_ANY, INIT_SCRIPT, 'start';
 is $EXITVAL, 0, "starting smcroute";
-SKIP: {
-    skip "System not managed by systemd", 1 unless -e '/run/systemd/system';
-    my $wait_output = capture EXIT_ANY, 'systemctl', 'is-system-running', '--wait'; chomp $wait_output;
-    is $wait_output, "running", "Starting smcroute completed";
 my $new_smcroute_pid = get_smcrouted_pid 'running';
 is $EXITVAL, 0, "smcroute is really running".( $EXITVAL ? '' : " (pid $new_smcroute_pid)" );
 isnt $new_smcroute_pid, $initial_smcroute_pid, "smcroute pid changed ($new_smcroute_pid != $initial_smcroute_pid)";

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