Regarding SoX and Debian bug #92969, the copyright handling in wav.c is
dubious.[5] Assuming this modification is allowed, wav.c changes the

        XAnim Copyright (C) 1990-1997 by Mark Podlipec.
        This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed
        without fee for non-commerical purposes

which is clearly incompatible with the original license, to

        Thanks goes to Mark Podlipec's XAnim code.  It gave some real
        life understanding of how the ADPCM format is processed.  Actual
        code was implemented based off of various sources from the net.

So the code was from Mark Podlipec, but now it is only an inspiration
for Chris Bagwell, yet various sources from the net are needed? Or Mark
Podlipec's code was inspired by those sources from the net? Chris
Bagwell should clarify the origin of the code.


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