Package: smplayer Verison: 16.9.0~ds0-1 Hi.
I noticed smplayer do not list the same set of MIME types as vlc in its desktop file. This causes the graphical file manager in the various desktops to not suggest smplayer to play various audio and video formats when the user click on a media file. Here is the list of MIME types present in the vlc desktop file but missing in the smplayer one. I compare with the vlc desktop file because it is the player with the most supported MIME types according to <URL: >. The MIME types marked (x) are official MIME types registered with the IANA MIME registry, and the ones marked (*) are MIME types returned by file --mime-type. Please consider adding these MIME types to the smplayer.desktop file: application/sdp (x) application/ (x) application/x-quicktimeplayer (x) application/xspf+xml (x) audio/3gpp (x) audio/amr (x) audio/amr-wb (x) audio/x-gsm (x) audio/x-ms-wax (x) audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin (x) audio/x-realaudio (x) video/dv (x) video/fli (x) video/mp4v-es (x) video/vnd.mpegurl (x) video/x-ms-wm (x) video/x-ms-wmx (x) video/x-ms-wvx (x) application/mxf (x*) application/ogg (x*) application/x-shockwave-flash (x*) audio/basic (x*) audio/midi (x*) audio/x-aiff (x*) video/3gpp (x*) video/ogg (x*) video/x-flv (x*) audio/x-ape (*) audio/x-flac (*) audio/x-m4a (*) audio/x-mod (*) audio/x-musepack (*) video/3gpp2 (*) video/x-flc (*) video/x-fli (*) video/x-m4v (*) application/mpeg4-iod application/mpeg4-muxcodetable application/ram application/ application/ application/vnd.rn-realmedia application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr application/x-extension-m4a application/x-extension-mp4 application/x-flac application/x-flash-video application/x-matroska application/x-ogg application/x-quicktime-media-link audio/3gpp2 audio/AMR audio/AMR-WB audio/dv audio/eac3 audio/m4a audio/mp1 audio/mp2 audio/mp3 audio/mpg audio/opus audio/scpls audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.1 audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2 audio/vnd.dolby.mlp audio/vnd.dts audio/vnd.dts.hd audio/wav audio/webm audio/x-aac audio/x-it audio/x-mp1 audio/x-mpeg audio/x-mpg audio/x-ms-asf audio/x-ms-asx audio/x-pn-aiff audio/x-pn-au audio/x-pn-wav audio/x-pn-windows-acm audio/x-real-audio audio/x-s3m audio/x-shorten audio/x-speex audio/x-tta audio/x-vorbis+ogg audio/x-wavpack audio/x-xm image/vnd.rn-realpix misc/ultravox text/google-video-pointer text/x-google-video-pointer video/3gp video/divx video/mp2t video/mpeg-system video/msvideo video/vnd.divx video/x-anim video/x-avi video/x-mpeg video/x-mpeg-system video/x-mpeg2 video/x-ms-asf-plugin video/x-ms-asx video/x-nsv video/x-ogm+ogg video/x-theora+ogg x-content/audio-cdda x-content/audio-player x-content/video-dvd x-content/video-svcd x-content/video-vcd x-scheme-handler/icy x-scheme-handler/icyx x-scheme-handler/mms x-scheme-handler/mmsh x-scheme-handler/rtmp x-scheme-handler/rtp x-scheme-handler/rtsp For the record, smplayer support the following MIME types that are not listed in the vlc.desktop file. Perhaps you want to check if these are correct? audio/x-adpcm (*) audio/vorbis video/avi video/x-ogm -- Happy hacking Petter Reinholdtsen _______________________________________________ pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list