
Thanks a lot for your prompt and helpful response!!

> does the choice of output method matter? Check
> $ mpg123 --list-modules

Here is the result of this comand:

Available modules
dummy          output  Dummy audio output - does not output audio.
openal         output  Output audio using OpenAL.
pulse          output  Output audio using PulseAudio Server
nas            output  Output audio using NAS (Network Audio System)
jack           output  Output audio using JACK (JACK Audio Connection Kit).
portaudio      output  Output audio using PortAudio
alsa           output  Output audio using Advanced Linux Sound Architecture 
oss            output  Output audio using OSS

> and try some in the given list using
> $ mpg123 -o $output_module_name

So alsa makes noise, pulse and oss play music and I believe the others
are not too relevant...

> The easiest check to rule out an issue in the decoder binary is to
> write a WAV file:
> $ mpg123 -w output.wav input.mp3

Am I correct that the fact that it works with two modules makes this
test un-necessary?

> This one can then be tested with other software or just looked at in a
> waveform display (p.ex. playback with aplay, visualisation in audacity,
> mhwaveedit, sox, …).
> The choice of encoding and optimised decoder mal also matter. Actually,
> that might be the first stop:
> 1. What platform is this (x86-64, ARM, MIPS)?


> 2. Which decoder is used?
> Question 2, and also some of the above, is best answered by a copy of
> the terminal printout of
> $ mpg123 -vvv - < /dev/null
> Such lines at the beginning already tell much:
> Decoder: x86-64 (SSE)
> Trying output module: alsa, device: <nil>
> Using default module dir: /usr/lib/mpg123
> Module dir: /usr/lib/mpg123
> Module path: ./output_alsa.so
> Chosen output module: alsa
> Further information regards the chosen output format. When every file
> sounds like rubbish, I presume you either hit an issue with the decoder
> optimisation or the output system (any part of that chain).

So my understanding is that it is the wrong decoder which is chosen,



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