
On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Sofus Rose <so...@sofusrose.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am an avid user of Debian, but more importantly a frequent user of the
> blender package that you maintain. I am, however, looking to start
> contributing to the Debian project. In short, I am interested in helping to
> keep the blender package up to date with regards to upstream.
> Though I have no prior experience with Debian packaging, I build Blender
> frequently from source. For my own development, I code mainly in Python and
> C++. For general packaging, I have an in-house Debian Developer that can
> assist me.
> For the specifics of Blender packaging, I hope you'll consider taking the
> time to explain them to me!

I'm very glad to see that there is someone interested in helping the
Team (and me in particular) with the packaging of Blender.

It's not particularly difficult, once you've learnt how it works.
So, at this point, the better advice I could give you is to take some
time and read the main packaging documents that are available on the
Debian Developers' Corner, that is the Debian Policy, Developer
Reference and New Maintainer's Guide.
At the same time, you can clone the git repository of Blender in
Debian and see if it makes sense how it's built, once you have the
fundamentals of packaging.
Feel free to ask me (or the team) about the package and to provide
patches (or ideas) how to improve the setup.

Hope to hear from you soon.


PS: out of curiosity, who's the in-house DD? ;-P

Matteo F. Vescovi || Debian Developer
GnuPG KeyID: 4096R/0x8062398983B2CF7A

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