Control: tag -1 fixed-upstream


On 2014-11-23 at 09:27 (CET), Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure you get the point of me opening this bug. The point is, if
> you have an instance of ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3, then when the Python parser
> will try to execute the code, it will crash (stack dump).
> For this reason, I've done something like this in my packages:
> Maybe your package needs that too?

I asked upstream developers to check their code and they confirmed that
they're going to change it directly there as you adviced (v3 => v23).

Once I'll be sure the change has become part of the upstream source
code, I could prepare a patch to fix this issue in the package actually
in unstable/testing.


Matteo F. Vescovi || Debian Developer
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