Hi Dylan

On 2014-11-12 07:18:38, Dylan wrote:
> > Am I correct in assuming that libbdplus only decrypts Blu-ray discs if
> > the keys are provided by the user and does not attempt to break it like
> > libdvdcss does?
> >
> You are right, libbdplus doesn't attempt to break anything and only
> decrypts BD when keys are provided by the user as we can see on it's
> website [1], they say "this project doesn't offer any key, configuration
> file or certificate that could be used to decode encrypted copyrighted
> material." and "libbdplus does not infringe DRM's right or copyright"


I had a look at the package and I've added myself as second uploader.
Here are some comments:

 - d/copyright: CF-1.0 states:

     When the License field in a paragraph has the short name
     public-domain, the remaining lines of the field must explain
     exactly what exemption the corresponding files for that paragraph
     have from default copyright restrictions.

   However, for src/libbdplus/bdsvm/sha1.* the paragraph explaining this
   is missing. Please clarify the license of these two files.

 - d/control: debhelper no longer uses a X.Y.Z version scheme. It's
   X.date these days. I've fixed that in git.

 - d/dbp.conf is missing. I've added it in git.

Otherwise the packaging looks good to me. If the license of
src/libbdplus/bdsvm/sha1.* can be clarified, it's ready to be uploaded.

Sebastian Ramacher

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