Processing commands for

> block 682045 by 761731
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was not blocked by any bugs.
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761731
> block 682045 by 761732
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761731
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761732
> block 682045 by 761733
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761731 761732
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761733
> block 682045 by 761734
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761731 761732
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761734
> block 682045 by 761735
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761731 761732
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761735
> block 682045 by 761736
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761731 761734 761732 761735
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761736
> block 682045 by 761737
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761736 761734 761731 761732 761735
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761737
> block 682045 by 761738
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761736 761731 761734 761732 761735 761737
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761738
> block 682045 by 761739
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761737 761736 761731 761732 761735 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761739
> block 682045 by 761740
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761737 761739 761736 761731 761732 761735 
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761740
> block 682045 by 761741
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761740 761737 761739 761736 761731 761732 
761735 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761741
> block 682045 by 761742
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761740 761737 761739 761736 761741 761731 
761732 761735 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761742
> block 682045 by 761743
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761740 761737 761739 761736 761731 761741 
761732 761742 761735 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761743
> block 682045 by 761744
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761740 761737 761739 761736 761741 761731 
761732 761743 761735 761742 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761744
> block 682045 by 761745
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761740 761737 761739 761736 761744 761731 
761741 761732 761742 761735 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761745
> block 682045 by 761746
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761734 761745 761740 761737 761739 761736 761741 
761731 761744 761732 761743 761735 761742 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761746
> block 682045 by 761747
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761736 761741 761742 761735 761734 
761745 761737 761739 761731 761744 761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761747
> block 682045 by 761748
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761747 761736 761741 761735 761742 
761734 761745 761737 761739 761744 761731 761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761748
> block 682045 by 761749
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761747 761736 761741 761742 761735 
761734 761745 761748 761737 761739 761731 761744 761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761749
> block 682045 by 761750
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761747 761749 761736 761741 761735 
761742 761734 761745 761748 761737 761739 761744 761731 761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761750
> block 682045 by 761751
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761747 761736 761749 761741 761742 
761735 761750 761734 761745 761748 761737 761739 761731 761744 761732 761743 
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761751
> block 682045 by 761752
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761751 761747 761749 761736 761741 
761735 761742 761750 761734 761745 761748 761737 761739 761744 761731 761732 
761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761752
> block 682045 by 761753
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761751 761747 761736 761749 761741 
761742 761735 761752 761750 761734 761745 761748 761737 761739 761731 761744 
761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761753
> block 682045 by 761754
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761751 761747 761749 761736 761741 
761735 761742 761752 761750 761753 761734 761745 761748 761737 761739 761744 
761731 761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761754
> block 682045 by 761755
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761754 761751 761747 761736 761749 
761741 761742 761735 761752 761750 761753 761734 761745 761748 761737 761739 
761731 761744 761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761755
> block 682045 by 761756
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761751 761754 761747 761749 761736 
761741 761735 761742 761752 761750 761753 761734 761745 761755 761748 761737 
761739 761744 761731 761732 761743 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761756 and 761408
> block 682045 by 761757
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761754 761751 761747 761736 761749 
761741 761742 761735 761408 761752 761750 761753 761734 761745 761748 761755 
761737 761739 761731 761744 761732 761743 761756 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761757
> block 682045 by 761758
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761751 761754 761747 761749 761736 
761741 761735 761742 761752 761408 761750 761753 761734 761745 761755 761748 
761737 761739 761757 761744 761731 761732 761743 761738 761756
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761758
> block 682045 by 761759
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761740 761754 761751 761747 761736 761749 
761741 761742 761735 761408 761752 761750 761753 761734 761745 761758 761748 
761755 761737 761739 761757 761731 761744 761732 761743 761756 761738
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761759
> block 682045 by 761760
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761759 761740 761751 761754 761747 761749 
761736 761741 761735 761742 761752 761408 761750 761753 761734 761745 761755 
761748 761758 761737 761739 761757 761744 761731 761732 761743 761738 761756
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761760
> block 682045 by 761761
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761733 761746 761759 761740 761754 761751 761747 761736 
761749 761741 761742 761735 761408 761752 761750 761753 761734 761745 761758 
761748 761755 761737 761739 761757 761731 761744 761732 761743 761756 761738 
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761761
> block 682045 by 761762
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761752 761408 761750 
761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 761732 761743 761738 761756 
761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761741 761742 761735 761753 761737 761731 
761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761762
> block 682045 by 761763
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761408 761752 761750 
761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761762 761757 761732 761743 761756 
761738 761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761741 761735 761742 761753 761737 
761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761763
> block 682045 by 761764
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761752 761408 761750 
761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 761762 761732 761743 761738 
761756 761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761741 761763 761742 761735 761753 
761737 761731 761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761764
> block 682045 by 761765
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761408 761752 761750 
761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761762 761757 761732 761743 
761756 761738 761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761741 761763 761735 761742 
761753 761737 761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761765
> block 682045 by 761766
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761765 761752 761408 
761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 761762 761732 
761743 761738 761756 761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761741 761763 761742 
761735 761753 761737 761731 761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761766
> block 682045 by 761767
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761765 761408 761752 
761750 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761762 761757 761732 
761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761766 761741 761763 
761735 761742 761753 761737 761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761767
> block 682045 by 761768
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761765 761752 761408 
761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 761762 761732 
761743 761738 761756 761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761766 761741 761763 
761742 761735 761753 761767 761737 761731 761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761768
> block 682045 by 761769
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761765 761408 
761752 761750 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761762 761757 
761732 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761759 761754 761747 761766 761741 
761763 761735 761742 761753 761767 761737 761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761769
> block 682045 by 761770
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761765 761752 
761408 761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 761762 
761732 761743 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 
761741 761763 761742 761735 761753 761767 761737 761731 761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761770
> block 682045 by 761771
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761765 761408 
761752 761750 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761762 761757 
761732 761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 
761766 761741 761763 761735 761742 761753 761767 761737 761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761771
> block 682045 by 761772
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761771 761765 
761752 761408 761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 
761762 761732 761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 
761747 761766 761741 761763 761742 761735 761753 761767 761737 761731 761744 
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761772
> block 682045 by 761773
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761771 761765 
761408 761752 761750 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761762 
761757 761732 761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 
761747 761766 761741 761763 761735 761742 761753 761772 761767 761737 761744 
761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761773
> block 682045 by 761774
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761771 761765 
761752 761408 761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 
761762 761732 761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 
761747 761766 761741 761763 761742 761735 761773 761753 761767 761772 761737 
761731 761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761774
> block 682045 by 761775
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761771 
761765 761408 761752 761750 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 
761762 761757 761732 761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 
761754 761747 761766 761741 761763 761735 761742 761773 761753 761772 761767 
761737 761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761775
> block 682045 by 761776
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 761771 
761765 761752 761408 761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 
761757 761762 761732 761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 
761754 761747 761775 761766 761741 761763 761742 761735 761773 761753 761767 
761772 761737 761731 761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761776
> block 682045 by 761777
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 761771 
761765 761408 761752 761750 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 
761762 761757 761732 761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 
761754 761747 761766 761775 761741 761763 761735 761742 761773 761776 761753 
761772 761767 761737 761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761777
> block 682045 by 761778
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 
761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 
761739 761757 761762 761732 761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 
761759 761754 761747 761775 761766 761741 761763 761742 761735 761773 761776 
761753 761767 761772 761737 761731 761744 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761778
> block 682045 by 761779
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 
761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 
761739 761762 761757 761732 761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 
761759 761754 761747 761766 761775 761741 761763 761735 761742 761773 761776 
761778 761753 761772 761767 761737 761744 761731 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761779
> block 682045 by 761780
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761751 761761 761749 761736 
761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761764 761734 761745 761755 761748 761758 
761739 761757 761762 761732 761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 
761759 761754 761747 761775 761766 761741 761763 761742 761735 761773 761776 
761778 761753 761767 761772 761737 761731 761744 761779 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761780
> block 682045 by 761781
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761751 761761 761736 761749 
761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761780 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 
761755 761739 761762 761757 761732 761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 
761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 761775 761741 761763 761735 761742 761773 
761776 761778 761753 761772 761767 761737 761744 761731 761760 761779
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761781
> block 682045 by 761782
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761781 761740 761751 761761 761749 
761736 761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761780 761764 761734 761745 761755 
761748 761758 761739 761757 761762 761732 761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 
761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761775 761766 761741 761763 761742 761735 
761773 761776 761778 761753 761767 761772 761737 761731 761744 761779 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761782
> block 682045 by 761783
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761781 761751 761761 761782 
761736 761749 761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761780 761764 761734 761745 
761758 761748 761755 761739 761762 761757 761732 761770 761743 761756 761738 
761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 761775 761741 761763 761735 
761742 761773 761776 761778 761753 761772 761767 761737 761744 761731 761760 
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761783
> block 682045 by 761784
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761781 761740 761751 761761 761782 
761783 761749 761736 761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761780 761764 761734 
761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761757 761762 761732 761743 761770 761738 
761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761775 761766 761741 761763 
761742 761735 761773 761776 761778 761753 761767 761772 761737 761731 761744 
761779 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761784
> block 682045 by 761785
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761781 761751 761761 761782 
761736 761749 761783 761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761780 761764 761734 
761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761784 761762 761757 761732 761770 761743 
761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 761775 761741 
761763 761735 761742 761773 761776 761778 761753 761772 761767 761737 761744 
761731 761760 761779
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761785
> block 682045 by 761786
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761781 761740 761751 761761 761782 
761783 761749 761736 761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761780 761764 761734 
761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761784 761757 761762 761732 761743 761770 
761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761775 761766 761741 
761763 761742 761735 761773 761776 761778 761753 761767 761772 761737 761785 
761731 761744 761779 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761786
> block 682045 by 761787
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761781 761751 761761 761782 
761736 761749 761783 761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761780 761764 761786 
761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761784 761762 761757 761732 761770 
761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 761775 
761741 761763 761735 761742 761773 761776 761778 761753 761772 761767 761737 
761785 761744 761731 761760 761779
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761787
> block 682045 by 761788
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761781 761740 761751 761761 761782 
761783 761749 761736 761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761780 761764 761734 
761786 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761784 761757 761762 761732 761743 
761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761775 761766 
761741 761763 761742 761735 761773 761776 761778 761753 761767 761772 761737 
761785 761787 761731 761744 761779 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761788
> block 682045 by 761789
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761774 761777 761740 761781 761751 761761 761782 
761736 761749 761783 761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761780 761764 761786 
761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761784 761762 761757 761732 761770 
761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 761775 
761741 761763 761788 761735 761742 761773 761776 761778 761753 761772 761767 
761737 761785 761787 761744 761731 761760 761779
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761789
> block 682045 by 761790
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761789 761774 761777 761781 761740 761751 761761 
761782 761783 761749 761736 761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761780 761764 
761734 761786 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761784 761757 761762 761732 
761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761775 
761766 761741 761763 761742 761735 761788 761773 761776 761778 761753 761767 
761772 761737 761785 761787 761731 761744 761779 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761790
> block 682045 by 761791
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761789 761774 761777 761740 761781 761751 761761 
761782 761736 761749 761783 761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761780 761764 
761786 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761784 761762 761757 761732 
761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 
761775 761741 761763 761788 761735 761742 761773 761776 761778 761753 761772 
761767 761737 761785 761787 761744 761731 761790 761760 761779
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761791
> block 682045 by 761792
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761789 761774 761777 761781 761740 761751 761761 
761782 761783 761749 761736 761771 761765 761752 761408 761750 761780 761764 
761734 761786 761745 761755 761748 761758 761739 761784 761757 761762 761732 
761743 761770 761738 761756 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761775 
761766 761791 761741 761763 761742 761735 761788 761773 761776 761778 761753 
761767 761772 761737 761785 761787 761731 761744 761790 761779 761760
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761792
> block 682045 by 761793
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761789 761774 761777 761740 761781 761751 761761 
761782 761736 761749 761783 761771 761765 761408 761752 761750 761780 761764 
761786 761734 761745 761758 761748 761755 761739 761784 761762 761757 761732 
761770 761743 761756 761738 761733 761746 761769 761759 761754 761747 761766 
761775 761741 761791 761763 761788 761735 761742 761773 761776 761778 761753 
761792 761772 761767 761737 761785 761787 761744 761731 761790 761760 761779
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761793
> block 682045 by 761794
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761777 761740 761751 761749 761736 761765 761408 
761786 761755 761739 761743 761770 761769 761759 761754 761775 761766 761763 
761742 761735 761788 761773 761776 761778 761753 761792 761767 761793 761787 
761731 761779 761760 761789 761774 761781 761761 761782 761783 761771 761752 
761750 761780 761764 761734 761745 761758 761748 761784 761762 761757 761732 
761756 761738 761733 761746 761747 761741 761791 761772 761737 761785 761744 
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761794
> block 682045 by 761795
Bug #682045 [libtool] libtool: please mark libtool multi-arch: foreign (as in 
682045 was blocked by: 761768 761777 761740 761751 761794 761736 761749 761765 
761408 761786 761755 761739 761770 761743 761769 761759 761754 761766 761775 
761763 761788 761735 761742 761773 761776 761778 761753 761792 761767 761793 
761787 761731 761760 761779 761789 761774 761781 761761 761782 761783 761771 
761752 761750 761780 761764 761734 761745 761748 761758 761784 761757 761762 
761732 761738 761756 761733 761746 761747 761791 761741 761772 761737 761785 
761744 761790
682045 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 682045: 761795
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

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