2014-08-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Davy Triponney <davy.tripon...@gmail.com>:

Hello Davy,

happy to hear from you again ;)

> Thank you for your answer. It's been a couple of years I'm using Debian
> and I'm very interested in the project. Being maintainer sounds thus good,
> what is the process for that?

You should have a look here to meet our packaging workflow.

You should be subscribed to our mailing lists and have a alioth acount:

> What will I have to do? I could package Polyphone and also the sfArkLib in
> a first step (it has been asked in the review of my package). Then, I'm a
> user of the great software jOrgan, which has an RFP (
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=666164). I could try to
> package it as well.
> How much packages am I supposed to maintain?

It's up to you ;)

> And I understand that each maintainer is volonteer and that we should
> "bother" them as less as possible, but as I'm quite a newbie I'm likely to
> have some questions.

Asking a question is not bothering, but be patient when waiting a answer
and first try find answer by yourself.
If you will get lost, kind mates on list will help you for sure. ;)

> Where can I get some help if I need? What happened if I maintain a package
> and that I can't find a solution for a problem?

Ask on mailing list, that's why we have it. ;)

best regards

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

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