Control: reassign -1 transcode


thank you for the bug report.

On 2013-07-04 18:23:05, wrote:
> Package: <nombredelpaquete>
> Version: <versióndelpaquete>

Please fill these fields with the package name and version the next time.
Reassigning to transcode.


> Dear Maintainer,
> 1) When trying to make an AVI file from VOB files, extracting audio track 
> number 1 (not audio track 
> number 0, which I do not want in the AVI file) in AC3 format, I type this:
> $ transcode -H10 -a1 -xvob -i vob/ -w 1726,50 -A -N 0x2000 -f 25.000 -y xvid 
> -o output.avi
> and this is one of the lines that appear:
> [] tccat -i "vob/" -t vob -d 0 -S 0 | tcdemux -M 1 -a 1 -x ac3 
> -S 0 -d 0 | tcextract -t 
> vob -a 0 -x ac3 -d 1 | tcextract -t raw -x ac3 -d 0
> where you can see that tcdemux uses "-a1" and "-d0" (which is right), but 
> tcextract uses "-a0" and 
> "-d1" (which is wrong, because I want audio track number 1, not 0; and 
> verbosity is unexpectedly set 
> to 1). Thus, transcode ends as...
> [transcode] encoded 0 frames (0 dropped, 0 cloned), clip length   0.00 s
> 2) Nevertheless, when the same files are used to code the same AC3 track into 
> an MP3 audio track, 
> everything goes well:
> $ transcode -H10 -a1 -xvob -i vob/ -w 1726,50 -b 128,0,2 -f 25.000 -y xvid -o 
> output.avi
> and this is one of the lines that appear:
> [] tccat -i "vob/" -t vob -d 0 -S 0 | tcdemux -M 1 -a 1 -x ac3 
> -S 0 -d 0 | tcextract -t 
> vob -a 1 -x ac3 -d 0 | tcdecode -x ac3 -d 0 -s 1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 -A 0
> where you can see that tcdemux uses "-a1" and "-d0" (which is right), and now 
> tcextract uses "-a1" 
> and "-d0" (which is right). Thus, transcode works well and finishes 
> succesfully after a few minutes:
> [transcode] encoded 15427 frames (0 dropped, 0 cloned), clip length 617.08 s
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Best regards!
> --
> Conrado Badenas Mengod
> Burjassot/Valencia/Onteniente
Sebastian Ramacher

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