On Mon, 6 May 2013 11:00:17 +0200 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

> On 2013-05-05 19:08:50, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > On Sun, 5 May 2013 18:21:50 +0200 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > > What does
> > > 
> > >  $ gsettings get apps.gecko-mediaplayer.preferences disable-wmp
> > > 
> > > produce and does it match the settings set with dconf(-editor)?
> > 
> > Wait, wait!    ;-)
> > gsettings? I don't have this command... let me see...
> > Should I install the libglib2.0-bin package?
> Yes, please.

OK, I am now looking at the settings with both dconf-editor and with

  $ gsettings get apps.gecko-mediaplayer.preferences disable-wmp

which seems to match with what I see with dconf-editor, under


where "disable-wmp" is checked, despite having a default value == false.

I am trying to set every gecko-mediaplayer and gnome-mplayer preference
to its default value and see what happens.

Mmmh, first thing I noticed: after the following steps

  0) start dconf-editor
  1) reset all gnome-mplayer/gecko-mediaplayer preferences to their defaults
  2) quit dconf-editor
  3) start gnome-mplayer
  4) enter its preferences dialog window and just
    take a look (around without changing anything)
  5) exit from the dialog window
  6) quit gnome-mplayer
  7) start dconf-editor

many settings are again marked as manually-changed (in boldface font),
even though almost all of these are actually equal to their default
value; some values are indeed non-default (such as audio-lang, for
I do not experience this awkward behavior, if I skip steps 4 and 5.
It seems to me that the gnome-mplayer internal configuration dialog
window does something strange to ~/.config/dconf/user ...

However, even after resetting the preferences with dconf-editor, and
restarting iceweasel, I still experience the issue I originally
reported: the browser still claims that an additional plugin is needed
for WMV videos...

Does anything I said help in pinpointing the problem?
Please let me know (as always, thanks for your time!).

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